1. Research

We are conducting interviews, surveys and observatory studies to understand the current practices and the community needs.

  1. Hardware publication platform

We will gather a community of interest to co-create an ecosystem for hardware publication, including a peer review system, that will provide recognition for the hardware makers. The platform will be tested with use cases from the participating labs.

  1. Impact maximisation

We will produce open books to guide makers and PIs in their path to open and FAIR hardware production as well as work with the community to drive further acceptance of the developed workflows.


Researchers from three Berlin universities are collaborating to make this project fly.

This is a collaborative effort!

See related project and join the effort

From our blog

Follow our progress.

defining FAIR for research hardware

on November 10, 2021

This blog post will present our progresses in our work on defining FAIR for research hardware. It has been updated, you can see its history on github. Summary After initial meetings, we have created a RDA group for FAIR hardware: http://rd-alliance.org/groups/fair-principles-research-hardware. Project History First meeting (2021-11-03) After calling for participants via the GOSH forum, we pulled a group of about 12 interested people. We met online on November the third, about half of the interested people could make it.

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Student assistant position available

on October 25, 2021

In Open.Make we are looking for three motivated student assistants to support our research team and enrich it with your own unique and complementary skillset. Any student of a Berlin university can apply to any of the three positions (salary 12,68 € brutto according to TV Stud III). The majority of the work needs to be done on site. Yet, some of the work can also be carried out remotely.

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Open.Make kickoff meeting.

on October 7, 2021

On October 7th 2021, the Open.Make project kickoff meeting took place at the Charité campus in Mitte. The three research partners/labs, the project officer from the Berlin University Alliance (BUA) and three invited external partners presented and discussed their respective works. It was a successful meeting as it offered a broad overview of the benefits of open hardware in academia and beyond. While it was originally planned as fully in-person, the meeting had to be shifted to a hybrid meeting, as two participants could not come to the meeting location.

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Scope of the Open.Make project.

on September 27, 2021

The problem(s) Have you ever tried to follow instructions on how to assemble something and get stuck, either due to a lack of clarity or missing information? This can be annoying enough when you are trying to setup a new piece of furniture, but when your goal is to replicate someone’s research1, these annoyances create an additional burden. In the worst case, the research cannot be replicated and the research process is significantly slowed down.

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